Running Man Animation Wiki
A red crystal...suspicious. Approach the target tonight.


The Metronome is a secret organization who's main purpose is to keep the balance of the world and punish those who destroy it[1]. They are also the organization that Miyo contacted in order to report on the progress of the 'Red Explosion' disappearances.


Season 1[]

During the first season of the games, Miyo is shown to be contacting them to report the 'red crystal' that had fallen out of Pala's staff. Suspicious of Charming Gold's intention, they order Miyo to spy on him in order to gain more information[2].

Season 2[]

They play a more major role during Season 2, sending the Running Men a message through Rema while they're stuck in the Old City and subsequently attempting to assassinate them via Miyo's buckle[3].

According to them, the Running Men have been labeled as a world-wide threat due to them unintentionally unsealing Akong and thus, need to be eliminated. With the help of Rema, her and Miyo were successful in defending themselves from the agents sent to eliminate them and, while escaping, Rema tells Miyo that she is leaving to investigate the problems within the agency[4].

Abilities and Equipment[]

The Metronome are shown to have high-tech equipment such as belt buckles that double as a platform and contacting device as well as a flash drive used to hack robots.

Known Members[]

  • Rema - Elite member of the Metronome. Disappeared during a mission after confronting Charming Gold.
  • Miyo - Agent of the Metronome and Current Representative of the Running Man Championships. Was tasked to continue Rema's mission after her disappearance.
  • Pullulu - Pullulu agents that use robots for transportation, battle, and even defense mechanisms. They were tasked to carry out an attack against the Running Men by the Metronome.



  • The symbol of the organization looks similar to the ones that appear on Miyo when she's using her psychometry.
  • It is speculated that the Metronome is an organization owned by the Nyanya Tribe due to it's only appearing members being Rema and Miyo. However, with the addition of the Pullulu, it seems that the Metronome accepts members of other races.


  1. NAMU Wiki
  2. Running Man Animation Ep. 23 - Mission Undercover
  3. Running Man Animation S2 Ep.12 - Metronome
  4. Running Man Animation S2 Ep. 17 - Akong the Evil Priest