If you find anyone go goes against these guidelines and you want to report them, but you do not know who to contact, then please go to the Wiki Administrators & Moderators article to see who you can contact.
Rules and Guidelines
These are the rules (guidelines) of this wiki. Please make sure all of these rules are being respected at all times. Anyone who goes against any of these rules/guidelines will receive a warning on their message wall or maybe even get blocked/banned or globally disabled if it's keep on happening over and over.
Editing Guidelines
The following content is allowed in the wiki:
Accurate information. This includes:
Information originating from episodes of Running Man Animation, both Season 1 and 2.
Information originating from officially licensed works (e.g. publications, games) with direct involvement from the series' creators or creative team.
E.g: Running Man Complete Encyclopedia, Running Man: Heroes
The following content is not allowed in the wiki:
Inaccurate information. This includes:
Speculation without evidence.
Theories without confirmation from the series' creators/staff (Ex. Ninja K being Gai)
When adding theories, write it on the trivia section of the pages, stating clearly that is it a theory and not fact.
Leaked content such as renders of unreleased characters, screenshots of unreleased media, and any content that has not been released by SIDUS or any of the creative team.
Any content taken from other wikis taken word-by-word without proper crediting.
Any form of vandalism is not welcome on the Wiki. This includes:
Inserting inappropriate, unrelated, spam, and gibberish content into pages.
Inserting or spamming off-topic links.
Uploading inappropriate images to the site without good reason.
Unofficial Photos/Gifs/Videos
Photos/Gifs/Videos that aren't official (such as fanarts, devianarts, fanmade) are only allowed to be uploaded and added for your userpage only, it can also be added to your post/comment on this wiki as long as it's appropriate and related to the Running Man Animation.
Every page that is categorised should be included in a category to which it logically belongs. Example:
Treat others with respect. Be considerate of other people's opinions and open-minded when participating in discussions.
Criticism-expressing posts are permissible, however posts that purposely instigate malice are forbidden and will be removed.
Posts that disagree with another user are permitted, but they cannot in any manner criticize or insult that user.
Editors shouldn't infer malice from the behaviors in question unless there is concrete proof to support it.
Please abstain from using vulgar language. If it is determined that your post or comment contained excessive profanity, it may be modified or deleted, and the user may also receive a warning.
This wiki primarily contains English and Korean-speaking users, therefore posts and comments containing languages other than English and Korean with be deleted.
No sockpuppet accounts
Using blogs, wikis, and forums to advertise someone or something is known as using a sock puppet account and will therefore be banned immediately.
No Drama-seeking content/user
It is highly forbidden to talk about or bring up banned users in the community or engage in "drama" on the wiki. Dramatic or provocative users will not be accepted.
No accounts containing inappropriate content. This includes inappropriate usernames.
Recurring harassment will automatically result in an immediate block once reported.